Course Day 2: Crafting Content That Sells

Welcome back to Day 2 of my 5-day LinkedIn course! Now that your profile is optimized, it’s time to dive into the core of your LinkedIn strategy—creating content that not only stands out but also converts.

Throughout today’s lesson, you’ll learn how to craft LinkedIn content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement. Remember, if you have any questions along the way, just reply to this email—I’m here to help.

Day 2 of the Course:

  • Identify a Problem

  • Create a Valuable Solution

  • Craft it into a Compelling Post

  • Action Over Perfection

Let’s Create Impactful Content:

Today, I’m walking you through the foundational steps of crafting content that resonates with your audience and drives results. We’ll cover how to identify a key problem your audience faces, develop a solution, and present it in a way that motivates action.

If you want to explore these strategies further or have any questions about implementing them, feel free to reply to this email. I’m here to help you succeed.

Emotions Drive Decisions:

Emotions are the driving force behind purchase decisions. Here’s what I’ll teach you today to help you create content that sells:

  • Identify your audience’s pain points.

  • Craft content that directly addresses these challenges.

  • Tap into the emotions tied to these issues.

  • Present your solution as the answer they’ve been looking for.

Step 1 | Let Your Audience Discover You:

Many experts will advise you to pick a niche and target a specific audience. But in 2024/2025, standing out requires more than just choosing a niche—you need to differentiate yourself from millions of other creators. Instead, focus on creating content that naturally attracts and resonates with your ideal audience.

Let your niche and audience find YOU.

To build an effective offer, you need to start with a problem. To identify a problem, you need an audience. To connect with your audience, you need to post content consistently.

If you already know your audience’s pain points, feel free to skip to the next step. If not, here’s how to uncover them:

  • Ask Questions: Engage with your network and ask directly about their challenges.

  • Observe Top Creators: Take note of what successful creators in your space are discussing.

  • Research Online: Analyze top search results on Google related to your niche.

  • Direct Outreach: Send DMs to individuals and ask them what they’re struggling with.

Step 2 | Develop Your Solution:

The process above takes time—don’t rush it! Once you’ve pinpointed the exact problem you want to solve, it’s time to develop your solution.

Here’s how I’ve approached this in the past:

  • My Audience’s Problem: Struggling to create LinkedIn content that drives sales.

  • My Solution: Providing strategies and tools to create content that converts.

  • My Offer: Workshops, webinars, and one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to help clients achieve LinkedIn success.

Even though I’m developing more resources, the workshops, webinars, and one-on-one coaching I’ve offered have already helped many clients effectively grow their LinkedIn presence.

You need to find what type of offer will best package the implementation of your knowledge that addresses your audience’s specific problem.

This could be any of the following:

  • Online Course

  • Cohort-Based Learning

  • Private Community

  • Templates

  • Coaching

  • eBooks

  • Agency Services

And the list goes on.

Now that you’ve created a solution, let’s build your offer.

Step 3 | Build Your Offer:

This step will be different depending on how you decide to package your solution. Here’s a step-by-step process you can use for any of the offers I listed above:

  1. Package Your Solution: Choose the format that best suits your knowledge and your audience’s needs (course, coaching, etc.).

  2. Create a Name for Your Offer: Make sure it aligns with your brand and clearly communicates the value.

  3. Build a Landing Page: Use this page to showcase your offer, including testimonials, a clear overview of the problem you solve, the solutions you provide, and the expected outcomes. Be clear—not clever.

  4. Use the Right Tools: Platforms like Notion, Thinkific, Kajabi, and Gumroad can help you build and launch your offer.

Remember, you don’t need to perfect everything before launching. Start with what you have, and improve as you go.

Find the problem. Create a solution. Build your offer. Launch. Then perfect as you go.

The Next Step:

Now that you've started building your offer, the next crucial piece is setting up an email funnel that will guide your audience from discovery to conversion. Tomorrow, we’ll dive into how to create a funnel that effectively converts.

But before we get there, ask yourself:

  • Are you ready to create content that attracts new clients?

  • Are you prepared to grow a strong, engaged following online?

  • Do you want to save hours each week by optimizing your LinkedIn strategy?

  • Are you eager to take control of your time and business growth?

If you’re ready to take your LinkedIn strategy to the next level, stay tuned for more actionable insights in the upcoming emails. And don’t worry—I’ll also be sharing details soon about my upcoming LinkedIn Authority System course, where you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at how I build engagement and grow a powerful LinkedIn presence—all while maximizing your time and effort.

See you tomorrow!
